We aren’t usually big vegetarian restaurant fans. I prefer vegetables to ‘fake meat’ proteins. However, in this instance they had some very interesting proteins that were well prepared and tasted good. The majority of their dishes are prepared with one of the below 5 proteins:
konnyaku – pressed Japanese root vegetable flour with a crisp chewy texture
nori – thin sheets of dry, roasted sea vegetables with a nutty flavor rich in Vitamin A
seitan – whole wheat protein that is tender & succulent , seasoned with tamari & herbs
soy – highly nutritious beans, low in cholesterol & carbohydrates, used in tofu, miso & much more
tofu – soft soybean curd rich in protein, calcium & minerals
Our menu was light and simple, but the portions were quite generous and held us for quite a few hours of wandering around…
slow cooked malaysian curry stew, pickled shredded papaya, coconut rice 12
green tea noodle with broccoli and smoked beijing-style seitan 14
Steve had the seitan dish, which I thought was the better of the two. The seitan was quite delicious with a great consistency. Mine had a ‘mystery meat’ protein which was kind of rubbery. The curry could have been more sophisticated too. But overall it was good and we’d definitely go back for another round. There were so many interesting things on the menu to try out.
401 Sixth Avenue – West Village

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