The Martha Stewart Show
by Steve
Martha Stewart Studio
221 W. 26th St. – Chelsea
I’ve been on a kick lately. Ever since I saw Jimmy Fallon in January I have been getting tickets to go see live tapings of shows that are in Manhattan. So my New Year’s Resolution is to go do whatever this city has to offer that won’t kill me. So, I went on a bunch of websites and signed up for tickets. It is really that easy to get tickets for these shows. The hardest tickets to get are the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and SNL. Those shows you may need to know someone?
Anyway, I got Martha Stewart tickets and was happy to check it out with Jen on this past Wednesday, February 16. We hit George’s Diner to fuel up with breakfast before our excursion. Then we took the 1 train up to 28th. The Martha Stewart Show is taped in her studio on 26th between 7th and 8th streets. I have walked by the studio many times. When my back went out in 2006 I went to a physical therapist across the street. I watched people stand in line outside of the studio from the warmth of the physical therapist’s office. This day we were the ones waiting in the cold to get into the studio. Our wait was approximately a half hour. Once you get in, you proceed to check in and go through a metal detector. On the other side of the metal detector you check your coat, fill out some paper work and wait in one of two waiting areas. Water is provided and access to a bathroom.
So far this is the most professional intake I have been through. Compared to Letterman and Jimmy Fallon it is heaven. After another half hour wait and a little comedy while learning the rules we are led up to the studio. The studio is really spectacular. It was kinda like walking into Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Room, chocolate waterfall and all. The set is amazing. It is 10,000 square feet of impeccable visionary delights.
As we walked in we were eyed up and down on our appearance and seated accordingly. We were asked to wear bright colors. The request made us realize the lack of color we actually have in our wardrobe. We being from NYC don’t own to many bright colors unless it is summer. We were seated quickly and felt pretty good with our view (see pic). Every seat in the house had a great view. So there we sat for another 20 minutes or so listening to music and watching all the commotion going on around us.
There was a warn-up comedian who was pretty animated and silly named Joey. He kept the energy going through the entire show. We’ve seen him on comedy shows…
Martha came out around ten minutes after 2PM. The show pretty much started when she showed up. The first guest was Miami Chef Michael Schwartz. Michael is a James Beard Award winner and former Top Chef guest judge and the chef-owner of Michael’s Genuine Food & Drink in Miami and the Cayman Islands. Since opening in March 2007, the restaurant has been lauded by the press, including the New York Times, Food & Wine, Gourmet, Esquire, and Condé Nast Traveler. Michael was on the show promoting his new book, Michael’s Genuine Food – Down-to-Earth Cooking for People Who Love to Eat. We learned how to make a Crispy Fish Salad and Falafel with Tahini Sauce. It was entertaining enough and we all got a copy of his new book. My first score at one of these tapings.
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The next segment was more of a promotion for singer sewing machines. The interesting thing about this segment was the ‘behind the scenes’ work. As Martha speaks with her guests, a group of employees fact check what is said. The segment was stopped several times to get the facts straight.
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The third segment we found interesting. It was all about Wardian Cases. These cases are great for a New York apartment. They are Glass terrarium-like structures, created in the 1800s by Dr. Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward to allow for the overseas transportation of delicate plant species.
If we have the room in our next place we are going to get one. We are hoping the new space has much more room. We will be losing our balcony?
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Overall the show was interesting. We had a good time. We were in line outside at 12:10PM and left the show at 3:45PM. Martha maybe a bit much to take for many people, but she is unbelievably professional and amazing at what she does. I would revisit that show if I knew someone I liked was on.
The show airs today Friday, February 18, 2011. It’s called Simple Sewing Projects and airs on the Hallmark Channel.

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