Mother’s Ruin
Mother’s Ruin is a new bar in the location of the former Room 18. Room 18 was a bar we frequented ‘between spots’. It was nice because it had a couple of window seats that were appealing, but more than anything, it was always empty. Frankly, I could not stand that place. So imagine how pleasantly surprised I was when we walked in and something was different.
There weren’t dollar bills taped all over the wall, it seemed cleaner somehow and there were cute little bouquets on all of the tables. And a bartender who looked cool. Hmmm, were we in the same place?
As it turns out, no. TJ, the new owner, introduced himself and explained it was really just a coat of paint. Wow, big difference! They are doing a soft opening without much in the way of pomp and circumstance. It was relatively early, so we moved on to meet friends and stopped back in later. It was packed. They had a great sign on the sidewalk that said ‘something watermelon…’ So I ordered something watermelon. The new vibe is cocktail bar. He scooped some fresh watermelon and concocted some delicious and sophisticated drinks.
We’ll see how things shape up there in the coming months, but it looks to be a tremendous success already. And all this without the promotion of Time Out New York and NY Magazine or a website?
Kudos and good luck TJ! Sorry about the bad iPhone pic 🙁
Oh no, somebody else wrote a review on Mother’s Ruin! I received a Tasting Table review via email today. So much for my #1 Google position and over 700 hits per month on this bar (thanks for all of the traffic, guys). However, their review provided some enlightening information. Perhaps I should have asked some questions on my first couple of visits! TJ Lynch is from the Breslin and his partner Richard Knapp is from Ma Peche. This explains all of the searches for them and their new establishment. Well, not so new anymore. And it looks like Mother’s Ruin secret is out. Go check it out and enjoy. Word is food is now being served and there will be hot toddies. Next time I have a cold I know where a friendly bartender will actually make one! And maybe it is time to show up with an actual camera and get some real photos.
18 Spring Street – Soho

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