Dirty Bird To Go – Fast Flow Food
While it may be a bit bizarre to write up a fast food joint, I am doing it anyway! There are now two locations of Dirty Bird To Go and it is likely one of the top ‘fast food’ options. They serve fresh, local and sustainable organic foods. Their ‘Dirty Birds’ are humanely raised in Pennsylvania, vegetable fed and antibiotic free.
The menu is exceedingly simple. Dirty Bird serves fried chicken, rotisserie chicken, chicken fingers, chicken wraps, chicken soup, salads and sides. Additionally, they make a great ‘Dirty Palmer’ peach tea and lemonade beverage.
This chicken ROCKS. From the rotisserie whole chickens or parts right down to the homemade chicken soup and the Brussels sprouts and collard greens, everything is awesome! Fried chicken is served with cornbread, so don’t order it as a side. A quarter white meat chicken with a side makes for a great lunch if you’re hungry. If looking for something light, get the chicken soup. The flavor is as heavenly as the smell. If you take it into your office, everyone will ask where in the world you got that soup! For dinner, the whole rotisserie chicken and a 3-side combo is perfect for two people.
Dirty Bird To Go has two locations, one in Chelsea and the other in Tribeca. I have a feeling they’ll be all over the city soon enough. I am fortunate enough to work by one and live by another and enjoy for lunch or dinner delivery.
204 West 14th Street – Chelsea
155 Chambers Street – Tribeca

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