Motivation, Confession and Promise of a Disenchanted Blogger
The Confession
It has been 3 years and 4 months since my last post. There is no real reason except perhaps boredom with the food scene. More and more ‘chain’ restaurants and giant restauranteurs continue to expand their kingdoms. My own neighborhood is a victim of this standardization of America. We certainly have not stopped the continuous pursuit of food or drink. However, my motivation to write about it has dropped off over the years. Particularly 2017, and it seems the editors at Eater agree. Words like desperate, failing, safe, scared, tedious, boring and uneventful came not only to my mind, but theirs!
The Motivation
Things are generally good. I’ve got a job I love. After much trial and tribulation, business is good and I like going there every day. I have the opportunity to travel to London, Paris and Milan twice annually, where I am inspired by jewelry. And dining out. A trip last week got me curious again about the NYC restaurant scene. We surely had nothing outstanding there and I got the sense it’s similar. We had some great French Bistro meals in Paris, not the least of which at Allard by Alain Ducasse. In London, we went to the famous Sketch, where we had a meh meal in a major ‘see and be seen’ environment called The Glade.
Please do let me know if you’d like a review of Sketch London. As I write this, I feel the urge to share this rather ho hum travel dining experience. But man what a photo! Makes you want to go there, doesn’t it? One of the dining rooms has a Michelin Star. Certainly not the one in which we dined.
I returned home to find Steve, my husband, starting up a blog on his new art website. I will reveal the details once he’s got more content ready. It reminded me of my writing days and the constant push to expand our horizons! We’ve decided to move to Brooklyn this year and as a result, have a large bucket list of Manhattan ‘To Do’s’ of all kinds.
The Promise
I hope you’ll join me again on our journey. I’ll do my best to post on the regular!

Enjoyed your blog, absolutely have been enjoying Steven’s also. A little frightened what he might say about me ❤️ Surprised to hear of your move, but excited for you both.
Glad to hear you are reading Steve’s blog too. No worries there is nothing to say about you!